R u aware of it?
What comes to ur mind when u read these two words?!
They seem unimportant … or shouldn't be paid that much attention…
But this is not true…. Because their synonymy will show u how important they are, and why should we understand them..
** Fate: means it meant to be, and u have nothing to do with it, or change it…
** Freewill: it is up to u, ur choice, ur decision to change or ignore..
First, I will tell u my story with these two concept…
I have always heard of those words since I was a child, and whenever a problem or crisis happened my mom used to say it is fate or " hatha almktoob " , " hatha algdr" or " gdr allah wa masha2 f3l" and no body could stop it …
Such as: death, crisis……
So I believed that it is unchangeable, and we have to wait god's help to solve it…
However, freewill, it is in our hand, either yes or o, I do or I do not , agree or disagree, accept or reject ….
Also, most of the phrases I hear are " it is up to u ", " kaifch " , " hatha grarch = this is ur decision".. and no body can choose on my behalf …such as my future, career, husband, major, …..so on.
And to continue what I have started in the first paragraph about hearing these words all the time, however I never understood it clearly. Until, I took a course last summer with the most gorgeous, great, kind, respectful, considerate professor I have ever met, Dr. Lamees Al-bustan, it was " literature and drama class"….. I know u are asking ur self what does this class has to do with the words, and the answer is , we studied Oedipus tragedy where we had to answer the question " did Oedipus had the freewill to kill his father and marry his mother, or it is his fate?" …. So, she ( lamees) had to clarify and explain these concepts in order to be able to answer the question, in that moment i was aware and able to debate , discuss the meaning of the words.
**I have learnt that every words has a meaning and a sense , no matter how simple it is….
To sum up, most of the time ppl keep saying we had nothing to do with it, and it was meant to be … plz stop saying that in every single trouble or problem u face, because it is a cheap and un-civilized way to escape facing the truth … so when some body failed in a course , he\she will blame the fate , but who r u fooling dude? !!!
Since when are people courageous enough to face their inner demons and monsters?
As a justification, it will be the fault of everyone except them. They are the victims. When they themselves have brought misfortune upon themselves.
So it is "fate" if they could find no one to blame. Had i had the chance to do good and did bad? where is fate in that? If i had the chance to do so.. why should i be obliged to do otherwise? it is my own foolishness that i will later blame others for. Its merely stupid; its merely human.
Oedipus however is more complicated than life. He chose to kill a man and a marry a woman based on principles that he himself tolerated. However it is fate that decided that this man he killed and this woman he married are his parents.
Thus.. his tragic flaws lead to him to satisfy his ill traits. His fate showed him the gravity of his deeds; that he killed not a man or a king, but his own father. That he married not a woman or a queen, but his mother.
The moral of Oedipus as i understood it:
You may do what you consider to be "good"; that's free will. Fate will show you eventually if this "good" is really good.. or not.
Posted by
antihero |
6:41 AM
to sum up " it is not my fault, it's others' "
i liked ur analysis of oedipus tragedy... that exactly what i wrot eon my final exam.... :)
Posted by
felicityq8 |
3:24 PM