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I have always heard of MALCOM X, and the only thing I know about him, that he was an active black American Muslim…

Till last Tuesday , when I watched a movie on ONE channel,the title was " Malcolm x" it was directed by spike lee, and the hero was Denzel Washington .At first, I did not pay it any attention but when the story started to be complicated and the movie reached it's climax, I jumped to my room , picked up a paper and a pencil , started to write and act as a Hollywood critic ;).

Malcolm x ...

Denzel ...who acted the role of Malcom x..

Below, are the points that I commented on the movie, wither positively or negatively:

1- the whole theme was about "Nigros" , racism , and covering under the name of Islam to solve blackness issues ..

2- after watching the movie, I knew that Malcolm x was a thief. And he was in jail when he converted Islam.

3- Most of the speeches Malcolm did, was about Aiga Mohammed , and the thing which I did not like was , every one including Malcolm him self, that they were seeking Aiga's satisfaction, but not ALLAH's .

4- There was a scene which I liked, when Malcolm had the complete control over Americans and officers, and all that was under the name of Islam, so that means Islam was dominated back then .

5- Also, there was a scene, when a young man came to Malcolm, and said I want to be a Muslim, however x did not pull him right away to Islam, but he asked him " do u know what is Islam", and the boy did not have the perfect answer, so Malcolm asked him to leave. It means something about true Muslims.

6- When x had his first daughter he called he " 36a Allah", means ALLAH's gift.. I was surprised that they knew Arabic words such " atta= 36a= gift" .

7- I noticed that Aiga Mohammed never talked publicly in the movie .

8- I hated Malcolm's attitude toward the white girl, when she offered her services to help him in supporting his case ( Islam), he said we do not need ur help, and left her in shock . though she said " I 'm not prejudice, unlike my ancestors", so she clarified the way she thinks how unfair her parents and grandparents were.
9- In a public speech, x said that the only solution for our case , is the complete separation between white and black.. I find that an exaggeration. Beside his main aim was the black issue , but not Islam..

10- I did not understand a phrase which said by Aiga Mohammed, it was " there will be no more after me" , I think he considered him self as a prophet , or a messenger ?!

11-What a great, unbelievable, peaceful scene, when Malcolm x visited Mecca, and did Al -hajj … and I was in total shock, when he recited ALFAT7A..

12-His visit to Mecca , enlightened him and showed him the right path, the right way to control and support his case.

13-Did not understand it, when his wife did not wear her Hijab, which she put it from the beginning of the movie.. does that mean she is losing faith?

14- denzel did great job when he acted as malcolm, he imitated every single thing which x would do.

15- i was wondering about places denzel went to in movie, such as Mecca, jbal 3rfat, and he entered mosques.. were all of that real ?!

Well, those were my comments on the movie which i have always heard of it's hero...


wooow.. what an observation u did bloo...well, u have made good comments, which i wasnot able to notice or find..

and about gettig married to a younger wife, who have to clean , care, cook, i havenot seen that part, coz i guess it was in the begining of the movie, which i didnot pay it much attetion..

and i agree with u, when u didnot find it that good or perfect...

indeed, i am so glad that i have some one who is sharing me the same observation and interests :D


nice blog.. i just wanted to comment on this

I've been a reader of the history of civil rights in the US for a long time especially the works of Malcolm Little, also known as Malcolm X.

Malcolm X converted to Black Islam which believed in very strange ideologies so far away from Islam.. it just used the name of Islam and some of its beliefs as a significant religion that was once dominant in Africa. It was created by Wallace Fard Muhammad whom they thought was the embodiment of Allah in a human form. Elijah Mohammad thought himself a prophet yes.

Malcolm X, until he made comment about the assassination of Kennedy, was a follower of Elijah Mohammad and the Nation of Islam organization. After the comments he made he was punished by Elijah Mohammad by isolation, meaning he cannot talk to the press or make speeches and such. Malcolm X after a while of Isolation and investigating into matters of corruption in the NOI, decided to leave the NOI and create his own organization. He then was invited by Arabs and true othodox muslims to go to Hajj and so he did....

There.. he realized that what he was doing in the USA was nothing related to islam.. but merely a scam by Elijah Mohammad using the name of Islam.

What he did to the girl he mentioned in the autobiography and after he converted to Islam.. he felt so sorry for it and still remembers her.. I'm sure she's still alive and read that :P

Read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Its very interesting!

woow atihero.... what a summary that u did.... do u know that i have been reading the history of malcolm's since i watched the movie, ad still couldnot find the answers i needed...however u wrapped it up so smoothly and easily...

i have noticed most of the comments u did on the movie, yet the director-spikylee- had changed some facts...

nice to have u reading my blog :)

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